; ; Send To Extensions ; ; Microsoft Windows 95 PowerToys ; ; Copyright 1995-1996 Microsoft Corporation ; ; * Send To... Any Folder ; ; Send a file or files to Any Folder, and you will be shown ; a dialog box that lets you choose where the files should ; be copied or moved. ; ; * Send To... Clipboard as Name ; ; Send a file or files to the Clipboard as Name, and the names ; of the files are placed on the clipboard. ; ; * Send To... Clipboard as Contents ; ; Send a file to the Clipboard as Contents, and the contents ; of the file are placed on the clipboard. ; ; * Send To... Command Line ; ; Send a file to the Command Line, and the "Run" dialog appears, ; with name of the file already typed in for you. ; ; * Send To... Mail Recipient ; ; Send a file or files to a Mail Recipient, and a mail message ; will be created with the file(s) already attached. ; ; There are three types of mail recipients. You probably will ; need only one of them. In the "Add/Remove Programs" section ; of the Control Panel, double-click "Send To Extensions" to ; remove the ones you don't need. ; ; "Mail Recipient MAPI" sends the message via the Microsoft MAPI ; protocol. MAPI is supported by Microsoft Mail 3.x and Microsoft ; Exchange. ; ; "Mail Recipient CMC" sends the message via the Common ; Messaging Calls protocol, a protocol defined by the X.400 API ; association. CMC is supported by Microsoft Exchange, and ; possibly other mail programs. ; ; "Internet Mail Recipient" sends the message via Microsoft Internet ; Mail and News. It doesn't really work yet, but at least you know ; that I'm thinking about it. ; ; Tips and tricks: ; ; * To add/remove selected extensions, double-click "Send To ; Extensions PowerToy" in Control Panel: Add/Remove Programs. ; ; * To change the name of an item in your Send To menu, click ; the Start button, select "Run", then type "sendto". This ; will open a folder view on your Send To menu, at which point ; you can create, rename or remove items. ; ; * When the Send To menu is open, if you hold down the Control ; key while you click on the extension you want to send the ; file to, the behavior will change slightly. ; ; * Send To... Any Folder will copy the files with their ; short names. (Normally, it copies the long names.) ; ; * Send To... Clipboard as Name will copy the short file ; names to the clipboard. (Normally, it copies the long ; file name.) ; ; * Send To... Clipboard as Contents will display a dialog ; box allowing you to override its choice of file content ; type. Note that if you pick a type that does not match ; the actual type of the file, the data won't quite appear ; the way you intended, if it appears at all. ; ; * Send To... Command Line will put the short file name ; on the command line. (Normally, it puts the long file ; name on the command line.) ; ; * Send To... Mail Recipient will attach the files with ; their short names. (Normally, the long file name is used.) ; ; Limitations: ; ; * Send To... Clipboard as Contents ; ; If the file does not contain a recognized format, the ; clipboard won't contain anything terribly interesting. ; ; You cannot send folders or multiple files to the clipboard ; as contents. ; ; * Send To... Command Line ; ; You cannot send multiple items to the command line. ; ; To add more than one item to the command line, you can ; drag them onto the "Run" dialog box, and they will be ; added. ; ; * Send To... Mail Recipient ; ; You cannot send folders to mail recipients. ; [Version] signature = $CHICAGO$ SetupClass=BASE [DefaultInstall] CopyFiles = SendToX.Copy.Sys AddReg = SendToX.Reg, SendToX.Uninst.Reg Ini2Reg = SendToX.Add.Ini2Reg [SendToXInstall] CopyFiles = SendToX.Copy.Sys AddReg = SendToX.Reg, SendToX.Uninst.Reg Ini2Reg = SendToX.Add.Ini2Reg [DefaultUninstall] DelFiles = SendToX.Copy.Sys DelReg = SendToX.Uninst.Reg [SendToX.Copy.Sys] SENDTOX.DLL SENDTOX.INF [SendToX.Add.Ini2Reg] win.ini,Desktop,Wallpaper,HKLM,%BK%,2 win.ini,Desktop,TileWallpaper,HKLM,%BK%,2 [SendToX.Reg] HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce\Setup,%ISTX%,,"RUNDLL32.EXE %11%\%SubDir%\SENDTOX.DLL,Install %11%\%SubDir%\SENDTOX.INF" [SendToX.Uninst.Reg] HKLM,%UKEY%,,, HKLM,%UKEY%,"DisplayName",,"%UNINSTAL_NAME%" HKLM,%UKEY%,"UninstallString",,"rundll32.exe %11%\%SubDir%\SENDTOX.DLL,Configure %11%\%SubDir%\SendToX.inf" [DestinationDirs] SendToX.Copy.Sys=11,%SubDir% [SourceDisksNames] 55=%DISK_NAME%,"",1 [SourceDisksFiles] SENDTOX.DLL=55 SENDTOX.INF=55 [Strings] DISK_NAME="Send To... Extensions" UNINSTAL_NAME="Send To Extensions PowerToy" SubDir = "ShellExt" ISTX="Send To... Extensions" UKEY="Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\SendToX.PowerToy" BK="Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup"